Can you travel straight after High School?

The answer is YES!

4 min readJun 26, 2024


Lets start here, I am in my last year of high school. I want to travel, every single day I’m dreaming of travelling, I’m staring out of my dorm window (Yes it was boarding school) thinking, I wonder what it must be like in this country, that country. I don't know, I want to know. I want to meet people, experience new things, experience crazy things, get lost, go on fun trips, be confused.

Meanwhile my parents are constantly telling me, “you should go to uni in the UK”, I lived in Scotland, Uni was free, it was a great opportunity I knew that, i felt bad because it was the least thing I wanted. I didn’t care about earning a lot of money, I Just wanted to experience my life to the fullest. Anyway, as I was thinking extremely hard one day I finally thought of the idea to apply to Uni and try to get a scholarship, it was late to apply but I had good grades, after avid research I discovered the Japanese Universities were offering a lot of scholarships, I applied, I got accepted miraculously, and this was acceptable for my parents since it was uni.

Soon after turning 18 I got my student visa and headed to Japan, I had never been before, I didn't know the language, I had never experienced Japan in my life. After 48 hours of travelling with no sleep I arrived. I had no phone service, and didn't…




Exploration, Travel addict, exploring new places and sharing stories. A fan of self improvement.