5 things about Japan that will shock you…

I guarantee you have not heard these ones…

4 min read3 days ago
Rice fields at sunset in the countryside of Tohoku region — By Author

After spending 1 year in Japan I feel ready to make this list, I’ve gained a lot of experience both living in Tokyo as well as the countryside, I’ve spent months with a Japanese family as-well as learning the language. Along the way I’ve learnt some things about Japan that may seem crazy to the average westerner.


Of course, wear your seatbelt for safety reasons, but we don’t always do that right if it’s for a short journey, or not a dangerous road. But in Japan the police are extremely strict on this rule, and go to lengths to try and catch people who are not wearing their seatbelt to give them a hefty fine. I’ve even heard of them hiding in the bush for hours at the side of the road waiting to catch someone out.

The streets of Kawagoe, Tokyo in mid spring — By Author

2: Types of food regularly eaten

I’m sure you know that Japanese people love to eat raw fish, but that’s only the beginning, one thing that shocked me was when the family I was staying with pulled out a whole octopus and started eating it after boiling it for…




Exploration, Travel addict, exploring new places and sharing stories. A fan of self improvement.